
Have you heard brushing your teeth can strengthen your oral health?

Dental health care is important not only because having rancid breath is uncomfortable, but also because low oral health can result in grave conditions.

To help you know more about your oral health, the team at Hawaii Smile Designs is pleased to give you some information, especially when it comes to caring for your smile while wearing braces!

  1. Were you aware you should brush twice a day for at least two minutes per session? It’s true! Giving your teeth a detailed cleaning twice each day will help improve your dental well-being in the long-term by fighting cavities and bacteria.
  2. Watch out for any gum conditions and gum disease, also called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is risky because lots of people have it without recognizing it until they see the hurtful, costly effects, including sensitive teeth and bleeding, painful gums. If you have hurting or bloody gums, schedule a time with Dr. Aaron Miyai as soon as possible so we can help you!
  3. Don’t forget that flossing goes hand-in-hand with brushing your teeth, so make sure you are flossing after brushing each night. This will help your teeth stay clean in the hard-to-reach crevices your brush bristles can’t get to. This is even more vital when wearing braces , so use floss threaders to clean underneath the wires.

Do you have concerns about your teeth and oral health?

Contact us today to schedule a checkup with the friendly staff at Hawaii Smile Designs. Let our professional staff help you get your best and healthiest smile today!

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