About Clear Aligners

At Hawaii Smile Designs, we’re committed to providing our patients with the most innovative and effective orthodontic solutions. For those seeking a discreet and comfortable way to achieve their dream smile, clear aligners offer an excellent alternative to traditional braces. We are proud to offer two outstanding options for clear aligner treatment: Spark Aligners and our in-house aligners crafted using uLab technology.

Clear aligners offer a number of benefits for our teen and adult patients, making them a popular choice for those looking to enhance their smile discreetly. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Nearly Invisible — The clear plastic material makes your orthodontic treatment hardly noticeable to others.
  • Removability — Aligners can be taken out for eating, brushing, and flossing, allowing for better oral hygiene and no dietary restrictions.
  • Comfort — Without brackets or wires, clear aligners reduce the risk of irritation to your gums and cheeks.
  • Convenience — Fewer visits to the orthodontist are needed compared to traditional braces, fitting more easily into busy schedules.

Whether you’re interested in the advanced technology of Spark Aligners or the personalized touch of our in-house aligners using uLab technology, Hawaii Smile Designs is here to guide you on your path to a beautiful, healthy smile. Our team of experienced orthodontists will work with you to determine the best orthodontic treatment option based on your individual needs and goals.

Spark Aligners

Spark Aligners represent the cutting edge in clear aligner technology. Known for their exceptional clarity, these aligners are nearly invisible, allowing you to straighten your teeth without the aesthetic impact of metal braces. Spark Aligners are made from TruGEN™, the latest in aligner material that not only offers improved comfort but also ensures efficient and effective tooth movement.

Benefits of Spark aligners include:

  • Superior Clarity — Spark Aligners are designed to stay clear throughout your treatment, resisting stains from coffee, tea, and other common culprits.
  • Enhanced Comfort — The smooth edges and precise fit of Spark Aligners minimize irritation, making them comfortable to wear all day.
  • Effective Treatment — Utilizing advanced material technology, Spark Aligners provide gentle, consistent force to move teeth into their desired positions efficiently.

In-House Aligners With uLab Technology

For patients seeking a more personalized approach, Hawaii Smile Designs also offers in-house clear aligners created using state-of-the-art uLab technology. This innovative system allows us to design and produce custom aligners right in our office, giving us complete control over the treatment process and enabling us to make adjustments as needed for optimal results.

Advantages of our in-house aligners include:

  • Tailored Treatment — Each set of aligners is custom-made to fit your unique dental anatomy, ensuring a comfortable fit and effective treatment.
  • Faster Turnaround — By producing aligners in-house, we can significantly reduce the wait time between consultations and the start of your treatment.
  • Direct Oversight — Your treatment is directly overseen by our skilled orthodontists from start to finish, allowing for immediate adjustments and personalized care.

Spark Aligners

Clear Aligners For Teens

In the vibrant, dynamic world of being a teenager, confidence and self-expression are key. At Hawaii Smile Designs, we understand the importance of providing orthodontic solutions that not only deliver excellent results but also fit seamlessly into teens’ lives. That’s why we’re excited to offer clear aligners specifically designed for teenagers, combining the effectiveness of traditional braces with the discretion and convenience of clear aligner technology.

Clear aligners for teens are tailor-made to address the unique needs and lifestyles of young individuals who are conscious about their appearance and active in their daily routines. Here are just a few reasons why clear aligners are an increasingly popular choice among our teenage patients:

  • Virtually Invisible — One of the most appealing aspects of clear aligners is their near invisibility. Teens can straighten their teeth without the worry of traditional metal braces, allowing them to smile confidently throughout their treatment.
  • Removable for Easy Cleaning — Unlike fixed braces, clear aligners can be removed. This means teens can maintain their oral hygiene more effectively, reducing the risk of plaque buildup and gum disease.
  • No Food Restrictions — With clear aligners, there’s no need to avoid favorite foods like popcorn or hard candies. Teens can simply remove their aligners during meals, enjoying the freedom to eat whatever they want.
  • Comfort and Safety — The smooth plastic of clear aligners minimizes irritation to the lips and cheeks. For teens involved in sports or music, aligners offer a safer alternative without sharp edges or wires.

Recognizing that every teen’s smile is unique, Hawaii Smile Designs offers clear aligner treatments that are as individual as they are. Our aligners for teens are designed to accommodate ongoing dental development, including solutions for erupting molars and accommodating mixed dentition.

Our team takes extra care to ensure that each set of aligners is customized for the optimal fit and effectiveness, using state-of-the-art orthodontic technology to map out a precise treatment plan. We monitor progress closely, adjusting plans as needed to keep smiles moving in the right direction.

monitor progress closely, adjusting plans as needed to keep smiles moving in the right direction.
We believe that orthodontic treatment should be a positive and empowering experience for teenagers. Hawaii Smile Designs offers a supportive environment where teens can feel comfortable discussing their concerns and experiences. Our orthodontists and staff are committed to making the process as smooth and enjoyable as possible, offering encouragement and guidance at every visit.

If your teen is considering clear aligners, the first step is a consultation with one of our doctors. During this visit, we’ll conduct a comprehensive assessment of your teen’s dental health and discuss the best options for their orthodontic care. We’ll answer all your questions and outline what you can expect from treatment with clear aligners.

Invisalign For Adults

Clear Aligners For Adults

At Hawaii Smile Designs, we understand the unique concerns and aspirations of our adult patients seeking orthodontic care. Whether you’re looking to enhance your smile for professional reasons, improve your oral health, or simply boost your confidence, clear aligners offer a sophisticated and convenient solution. Designed with adults in mind, our clear aligner treatments provide an effective pathway to achieving your ideal smile without the visibility and restrictions associated with traditional braces.

Clear aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatment, offering numerous benefits tailored to the lifestyle and preferences of adults:

  • Crafted from clear, BPA-free plastic, aligners are virtually invisible, allowing you to straighten your teeth without drawing attention to your orthodontic treatment.
  • Clear aligners can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, or for special occasions, ensuring your lifestyle remains uninterrupted.
  • Each aligner is custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, reducing irritation and discomfort often associated with traditional metal braces.
  • Utilizing advanced orthodontic technology, clear aligners are designed to move your teeth gently and efficiently into their correct positions, delivering noticeable results in a shorter timeframe.

We believe that every smile is unique, and so is every clear aligner treatment plan at Hawaii Smile Designs. Our process begins with a thorough consultation to understand your goals and assess your oral health. Using state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology, we create a detailed digital model of your teeth to design a customized treatment plan that accurately predicts each step of your smile transformation.

Choosing to pursue orthodontic treatment as an adult is a significant decision, and the team at Hawaii Smile Designs is here to support you every step of the way. From your initial consultation through to the completion of your treatment, we provide personalized care and attention to ensure your experience is positive and fulfilling. Our commitment to utilizing the latest in orthodontic technology and techniques means you receive the highest standard of care in a warm, welcoming environment.

If you’re ready to explore how clear aligners can transform your smile and life, Hawaii Smile Designs is here to guide you. Contact us today to schedule your personalized orthodontic consultation. Discover the convenience, comfort, and confidence that clear aligners can bring to your orthodontic treatment. Together, we’ll unlock the door to your ideal smile.