It is that time of year again where your children are headed back to school with their new backpacks, notepads and pencils! If they have braces, they will need some extra items in their backpack and locker.

Our team wants to make sure your children are equipped with the tools they need to have a healthy and strong smile, so it’s important they have them available when they’re away from home.

Orthodontic Tools

  • Individual case: This is for orthodontic tools and keeps them clean from other objects in their backpack or locker.
  • Toothbrush: Purchase an extra one so there is no need to worry about losing the one from home.
  • Toothpaste: Pick a travel-sized tube in case their backpack gets squished.
  • Floss: This is an important tool for removing debris between the teeth and gums.
  • Flossing threads: With a full set of metal braces, it is sometimes difficult to get between metal wires and teeth. This tool helps floss underneath braces and between the teeth to clean the gums.
  • Interdental cleaning brush: Metal braces can get food stuck underneath the wires and corners of brackets, so this tool brushes between nooks and crannies to remove debris.
  • Extra elastic or rubber bands: If needed, these help align the bite. Keep extra at the ready when it’s time to replace dirty or broken elastics.
  • Rubber band hook: This assists in hooking rubber bands to braces.
  • Wax: If your child’s gums and oral tissues need protection from sharp edges, broken wires or brackets, then wax can cover those spots on their braces. They can even help prevent extensive mouth sores.
  • Mouthwash: As an added defense against bacteria, this is a quick way to kill bacteria while your child is busy in school. We recommend a travel-sized bottle.
  • Chapstick: Sometimes newly applied braces or new elastics can cause chapped or irritated lips.
  • Pain relievers: In case your child’s teeth and gums get sore, a pain reliever can help alleviate the pain or discomfort.
  • Orthodontist information: For emergency care, have our information on hand in case of an emergency.
  • Pocket mirror: Sometimes a mirror is needed to clean out food debris and put in rubber bands, so a small compact mirror can be handy.
  • Mouthguard: If your child is active in sports or other physical activities, we strongly recommend purchasing a mouthguard to protect their teeth and gums. This is a safeguard against impact and deep cuts in their mouth.

By having these items on hand, you can help your child have a great orthodontic experience as school begins. A few other tips we have for your child wearing braces include eating soft foods, avoiding sticky and hard foods with high amounts of sugar, brushing and flossing each day, and seeing our team regularly.

Contact us today if you have questions on what to store in your child’s backpack and how they can take extra preventative steps in their orthodontic care today. We are always happy to help!

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